OSHA/Heart Saver Bloodborne Pathogens Course
This course is designed to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements when used with site-specific training.
Intended Audience
The AHA developed the OSHA/Heart Saver Bloodborne Pathogens Course for people with limited or no medical training who need training in how to protect themselves and their co-workers from bloodborne pathogens.
Anyone who needs or wants to have a Heart Saver Bloodborne Pathogens card can take this course.
Course Description
This training course has 2 parts.
The first, or general, part of the training consists of the material presented in your manual and the lesson maps.
The second part is training that students must receive on their employer's site-specific exposure control plan.
The exposure control plan is a set of rules and procedures specific to a workplace. The plan is designed to protect employees from being exposed to bloodborne pathogens and how to stay safe when they come in contact with blood or blood-containing materials. Your employer will provide this additional information.
Student Materials
Each student will have a copy of the Heart Saver Bloodborne Pathogens Course workbook.